Our School

Toronto's First Elementary Alternative School

Since 1972, The ALPHA Community has explored a wide variety of unique approaches to supporting our children's development as they “acquire the knowledge, skills, and values they need to become responsible members of a democratic society”


Sharing Education

Child Guided Learning

ALPHA belongs firmly to the long tradition of learner-centered education that sees a child’s curiosity as the primary driver for knowledge acquisition. We respect children’s desire to become competent and participate in the greater world.



It's Important to Us

ALPHA is a democracy based on consensus. Consensus is achieved when different points of view are incorporated through discussion. The goal is not compromise but refinement of a proposal until everyone can feel satisfied with a decision.


Keep up to date with important events and activities!

20 Brant Street

Phone: 416.393.1880 email: alpha.tdsb@gmail.com