Notes from the Field


“ALPHA Alternative School, one of the oldest alternative schools in Canada, was founded in 1972 by a group of parents who wanted to educate their children in keeping with the progressive ideas and movements of the day, particularly the free school movement. ALPHA—A Lot of Parents Hoping for an Alternative—was unique in the Toronto public school system when it was founded, with no homework, no grades, and no tests. While the school has seen some major changes over the past forty-plus years, it has remained steadfast in its refusal to take part in an educational culture based on the judgment of children. ALPHA graduate Ariel Fielding sat down for a chat with school staff past and present: retired teachers Sue Hess and Karen Light, current teachers Emily Chan and Steve Cooper, and school coordinator and historian Deb O’Rourke. Since 1977, ALPHA has been in the former Brant St. School in the west end of downtown Toronto. It was once at the centre of a bustling garment district, and is now surrounded by a fast-rising sea of condo development.”

Ariel Fielding also interviewed a group of ALPHA grads for our 40th anniversary, as well as teachers from several alternative schools in Toronto. She collaborated with another ALPHA graduate, Michael Barker who provides the photography for the initiative. Thanks to Ariel and Michael for this intriguing and insightful documentary project!

See the full set of interviews here:

Notes from the Field: Talking with Teachers

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