Signature Events

Potlucks and Picnics:

Folks like to gather now and then just for fun and celebration and it’s usually the perfect time for our kids to show us things they’ve been working on in a group setting.

A welcome picnic, usually in a nearby park or the school yard kicks things off in September. This year the children dazzled us with their selfie backdrops and cardboard arcade. The Holiday Potluck in December gave them a chance to show us all the creative things they could do with their favourite songs and dances, and who knows what they’ll bring to Indie Kidz and Grad Night this year as Spring approaches – past years have brought everything from epic rock operas to game shows; movies and puppet shows and on it goes…always new and wonderful spectacles for us to behold! And sometimes we just play soccer – also awesome!


ALPHA Bazaar (Open to the Public):

This is the original ALPHA fundraising event that started out, quite simply, as a roadside rummage sale way back in 1974 and has blossomed into an all day extravaganza, complete with a wide variety of beautiful and useful handmade gifts, delicious home made savouries and sweets in the Cafe, an enormous pre-loved clothing swap, a full day of fun activities for kids and an exciting raffle or silent auction featuring some of the most amazing gifts from companies all over Toronto. Usually held for an entire day in November. it serves as a fun way to connect with our friends and neighbours as well as gather as a community to work and play together.


All School Camping Trip(s):

Two converging overnight camping trips are organized for June every year: Big kids travel ahead with the teachers for a night of raucus big kid revelry. The next day they’re met by the rest of the community, little kids and families all arrive for a festive night and two half days, all together: food and frolicking and fun for everyone. Traditionally, preferred locations tend to be the local conservation areas just outside of Toronto.


Spring Event: Recipe Book, Bake Sale, Indie Kidz, Dance Party, etc. (Open to the Public)

This second yearly fundraising event is a very good example of the way that ALPHA moves as freely in flow as it is rooted fast in tradition. The unique interests and strengths of the community it serves determines what the Spring (Winter) Event might be each year. Whatever it may be that the ALPHA Community feels best expresses itself out into a wider community of friends and neighbours: each event forms mini-traditions as they become refined while children pass through their years as students and their parents, the organizers, pass through with them.

Virtual Open House February 9, 6pm

Meet with staff, parents and kids for a friendly introduction to all things ALPHA. Explore “a day at ALPHA”, learn about the Parent Group and the various Committees that help

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ALPHA’s turning 50!!!

  We Want to Know What You Want! We continue to envision year-long celebratory programming culminating in a grand and joyful event in the Spring of 2023, with both in-person

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What Does “Alternative” Even Mean?!

Last month on RewirED, we asked the question “What the heck does “ALTERNATIVE” education even mean?” What makes it different than a quote unquote “traditional” style of schooling? Listen in

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ALPHA is: Addressing Anti-Asian Racism

Our very own Emily Chan was involved in this thoroughly insightful and educational document! Thank you, Emily, for your consistent persistence in promoting social responsibility and social justice! ADDRESSING ANTI-ASIAN

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Virtual Open House and Admissions

ALPHA (A Lot of People Hoping for an Alternative) School is Toronto’s original democratic school (the oldest elementary alternative public school in Toronto, operating since 1972), and is part of

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